Rolling Makeup Case w/ LED Light Mirrorย
We use this case in our hectic everyday world of creating Faux Tattoos. It’s an awesome piece of gear and we rarely leave the studio without it, especially on set gigs! This is the kind of case for the busy makeup artist on the go. It becomes especially useful on those sets that aren’t prepared with proper lighting and workstations. Come equipped to be the FX tattoo rock star you are.
Be aware that this case may be heavy for you more petite beauties, but if you can manage to carry a heavy makeup case, you should be fine. The case also features a power cord and an on board socket for plugging in appliances. (This is where we plug the Paasche compressor).
The case boasts a 4.5-star rating on Amazon. The best part about buying this piece on amazon is the pricing. Get it on Amazon Prime for WAY LESS and have it in your hot little hands in no less than 2 days! We call that a winner.
(Don’t forget, because it’s Amazon, if there is something wrong with your item, return it for a fast, easy and free exchange).ย