Sugar Skull Temporary Tattoo Stencils Have Arrived

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Sugar Skull Temporary Tattoo Stencils Have Arrived! The time for a MORE realistic airbrush tattoo has come. If you are as serious about the way your work looks as we are, you are going to LOVE the latest innovation to come out of the FTS laboratory.  The Sugar Skull Set No. 1 Delivers Special FX Quality Realistic Airbrushed Temporary […]

Airbrushing a Sailor Jerry Tattoo Sleeve

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Airbrushing a Sailor Jerry Tattoo Sleeve can be an impossible task or it can be instant gratification. It all depends on how you approach the job! When doing an airbrush sleeve using Faux Tattoo Stencils, we’re starting in a strong foot using actual tattoo art in the form of an airbrush tattoo stencil. We created […]

What Are Neo Traditional Tattoos?


Many people that are just beginning to learn about tattoos don’t understand the difference between (American) Traditional tattoos and Neo Traditional tattoos. It is in our best interest as pro FX Tattoo artists to know these things. Also, it’s how the categories on our website are set up. If you know your tattoo styles, it’s […]

The Ultimate Constellations Airbrush Tattoo Set Arrives

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Faux Tattoo Stencils Stops at Nothing We are relentless when it comes to design. We stop at nothing to create the most detailed stencils possible for the most believable airbrushed fx tattoos achievable. It takes a very detailed stencil to created the kind of lines that makes a “delicate” tattoo likeness. The bar has been […]

Japanese Traditional Airbrush Tattoo Stencils Are Here!

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Until now, getting this kind of detail in an airbrush tattoo was literally unheard of. We know that an airbrush tattoo is only as good as the stencil, so we re-invented the airbrush tattoo stencil.   The Japanese Traditional set from Faux Tattoo Stencils is the next level in airbrush tattoos. It can be purchased […]

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